Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday Morning Movie: Performance Art With l' Orchestre d'hommes-orchestre

Good morning and happy Monday! Today is my 100th post so I thought I'd share something fun and close to my heart - performance art. l' Orchestre d'hommes-orchestre, which translates to Orchestra Conductor men, are a group of talented musical inventors who took their own creative world to the streets of Quebec this summer and performed a series of three shows all centered around an old milk truck. It was hard to decide which performance to share this morning. So, I figured I'd just start everyone off with the first of the series. You can find the second one here and the third here.

This troupe of musicians are also greatly inspired by Tom Waitts, a consummate creator and a tinkerer at heart. He is a man who sought to find unique sounds, to make music from things all around him, and to breathe life into inanimate objects. I hope someday I'll get the chance to see l' Orchestre d'hommes-orchestre play homage to the man and his great work 'cause, I gotta say, its looks like a lotta fun.

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