The book is amazing! I mean I adore mixed media in general, but her use of collage work in this children's book is just stunning. Here take a look and see what I mean...
Madi's use of fabric, paper, and original drawings all meld perfectly together to form a cohesive world for her characters. Speaking of, let's take a look at some of the behind the scenes work that Madi was kind enough to share on her fun website. As I browsed through, myself, I couldn't help but wonder what the weight of each page in her sketchbook must feel like; with all the layers of fabric and paper glued around and on top of her sketches. It's definitely one sketchbook that I wish I could finger through personally.
Finding Madi's website reminded me to enjoy the process. I'm always in such a rush to get the mundane things done and out of the way with that I often miss the beauty in them. So, this weekend I'm tasking all you fabulous ladies with a little challenge - try something new just to see what it feels like. If you always need music on when you clean the house, try it in silence instead; listen to the sounds of the activity at hand. Try a new food just to process the smell of it. Take the kids for a mystery ride just to enjoy getting them ready and loading up the car.
Whatever it is just be mindful of the process and enjoy the journey. Don't just rush and hurry up to get things over with so you can start the "fun" stuff. Life and everything in it is the fun stuff. Take the time to notice all the little things. Afterall, we only get this one chance, this one life to experience. So soak it up while you can and enjoy each and every moment. Besides, even if its painful or boring you're lucky to have it.
Good morning and happy Monday! Today is my 100th post so I thought I'd share something fun and close to my heart - performance art. l' Orchestre d'hommes-orchestre, which translates to Orchestra Conductor men, are a group of talented musical inventors who took their own creative world to the streets of Quebec this summer and performed a series of three shows all centered around an old milk truck. It was hard to decide which performance to share this morning. So, I figured I'd just start everyone off with the first of the series. You can find the second one here and the third here.
This troupe of musicians are also greatly inspired by Tom Waitts, a consummate creator and a tinkerer at heart. He is a man who sought to find unique sounds, to make music from things all around him, and to breathe life into inanimate objects. I hope someday I'll get the chance to see l' Orchestre d'hommes-orchestre play homage to the man and his great work 'cause, I gotta say, its looks like a lotta fun.
I've been very slowly releasing my fall cards in the shop. I'd love to say it's to build anticipation, but really I've been too busy with other orders to be able to turn my sketches into burned silkscreens or stamps yet. Fortunately, I was able to get two new screen prints completed last week and one of them listed in the Birdcage Cards' shop so far.
Shown above is my newest edition, Lovely Leaves. It's an original hand drawn, hand screen printed card in a lovely mustard yellow color. Printed on a heavy 100lb card stock and measuring 3 3/4" x 5 1/8" this bad boy comes in at only $3.00. I'll be adding more color options and bundled prices for this card in the next week or so, as well as a handful of more original hand drawn cards. So, be sure to stayed tuned!
...to sleep in until the filtered sunlight wakes me; to sleep in so long that I'm actually able to remember my colored dreams. Oh, God how I'd love that.
More time to rent out a house on the East Coast before winter dashes in; a house where I will have more time to sleep in and blow bubbles and paint pictures of my colorful dreams and settle into bed at night by re-reading old favorites and...more time to breathe.
Hey, a girl can dream can't she?
{images: 1. Dave Coote furniture, bed and pillows, 2. It Begins via Richard Heeks' bubbles series, 3. 17 by HoaJan, 4. bookshelf by Monica Buck via Real Simple, 5. beach house via Anne Naumann's seasides series}