Sunday, May 31, 2009
Birdcage Cards Was Featured in a Treasury!

Friday, May 29, 2009
Show and Tell Friday

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I Want Wednesday

Monday, May 25, 2009
I Won!

I Got a "1st"
So, Saturday when Makenna heard the music truck (we told her years ago that the ice cream truck was really a music truck to save us the trouble of saying no to ice cream 5x a week) I decided it was time for the charade to end and told her that this truck had ice cream in it and we were going to get some!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Link Love: Kid Friendly Projects


1. Carton Wallet from Family Fun. Let this time consuming project be your best friend this weekend. It will keep the little ones entertained long after its completed.

3. Wave Ware Picnic Plates from Martha Stewart kids. This is a fun one since most of us will be heading to the beach or having backyard BBQ's this Memorial Day weekend.
Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I Wanna...
So, without further ado let's start the show:
1. What you never wanted a new bike at 28 years old? Well, if your current one weighed 45lbs like mine you'd want a nice new lightweight bike too. I'm not really a mountain biking kinda girl. I don't shy away from dirt, but I don't appreciate danger either. I like to casually enjoy my bike, riding safely around town on a nicely paved road. I think this little Schwinn will do the trick.
2. I found this gorgeously romantic pic on East Side Bride and immediately thought that I had to plan an equally romantic backyard party this summer where my guests would be aglow in a sea of mason jar candlelight.
3. I thought I died and went to heaven when I spotted these shoes in the toast catalogue. I'm a mary jane whore as it is but I certainly don't have these patent leather blue ones. I really really want them. I want them so much I'm tempted to call them a need.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Artist Showcase: The Amazingness of Krista Peel

Friday, May 15, 2009
Birdcage Cards is on Etsy!
I made brand new sets of stationery, created a bunch of invitation samples, took their pictures and now all that's left to do is edit those pics, write up about 30 listings and get them all posted by 7:o0 p.m. - just in time for the end of a crazy work week. So, if you'll please excuse me I have some more, rather a lot of, work to do.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Support Your Local Economy: The 3/50 Project

I’ve made myself a promise to invest in my community and to be a part of the 3/50 project. Will you do the same?
719 Elmwood Ave
Buffalo, NY 14222
224 Lexington Ave
Buffalo, NY 14222
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Weekend Finds
Cereal Box Journal

Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day Cards

This birdcage card was my Grandma's and I admit to being more than a little obsessed with it. The soft blue and grey colors are paired with this terrific silver envelope. {And yes I did just say terrific - don't make fun you know you love it.} I detailed the front of her envelope similar to my mother's but unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of it. So you'll just have to imagine what it looked like - oops. And, because my grandmother is the kind of woman who understands the beauty of a blank note card her mother's day message was hand written inside.
Alright, that's about it. I'm off to make some pretty paper goods. Happy Monday!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mother's Day Arrangement

How To:
1. Find a vase that is small enough to fit inside your larger one, the one you will fill with buttons, but be sure that your narrow vase large enough to hold a full floral arrangement. Fill the bottom of your large vase with buttons and place the smaller vase inside. Then fill the space between the two with an assortment of buttons tring to keep them in the same color family and heavy enough that they won't float. Once the space is full add water.
2. Now all that's left to do is to add some water to the smaller vase and arrange your flowers.
I don't know about you but this is one gift my mom is sure to love.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Foggy Morning Show and Tell

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
How To Make Your Own Mariachi Band
Let's see, some traditional mariachi band instruments include a violin, guitar and trumpet. That should be easy enough...
What You'll Need To Make All Three:
- 3 paper towel rolls (one for each instrument)
- 6 rubber bands (3 for the guitar, 3 for the violin)
- 2 rectangular tissue boxes (1 for the guitar, 1 for the violin)
- 2 straws or unsharpened pencils (1 for the guitar, 1 for the violin)
- scissors or a box cutter (for the adult only)
- pencil
- glue
- a whole mess of stickers, crayons and markers
For the trumpet all you'll need is to decorate a paper towel or toilet paper roll with some finger paints, crayons or markers. To make both a guitar and a violin (since its all in how you hold it) you can follow the same steps.
1. Grab an empty rectangular tissue box, turn it on its side and stand the paper towel roll on top of it. Trace around the roll and cut out the traced circle. Now you can slide part of the paper towel roll into the tissue box to serve as your guitar's/violin's handle. You may need to glue around the edges to secure it if you cut the hole to wide. If so, let it dry before moving on to the next step.
2. Pull out the paints, stickers, crayons and markers and let the kids go to town decorating their instruments. Remember if you do use finger paints to decorate your instruments you'll have to factor in drying time. For a last minute project it might be best to use markers and crayons instead.
3. Wrap 3 rubber bands of different widths around the box's pre-made opening to serve as your guitar/violin strings. Slide a straw or an unsharpened pencil under the rubber bands but before the box's opening to help with acustics. And voila you're ready to start your very own mariachi band! {tip: a long wooden spoon from the kitchen can serve as the violin's bow}
The best part about this project is that you're not only surprising your kids with an impromptu party but you are teaching them how with a little imagination you can recycle old junk into a lot of fun.
Monday, May 4, 2009
How To Line an Envelope

- an empty cereal or cracker box
- pair of scissors
- pencil
- ruler
- envelope
- paper to line your envelope with
{tip: you can use wrapping paper for a fun look on a low budget}
- glue stick

Remember to save the left over scraps from your cereal box to make templates for all the different envelope sizes you have lying around. Lining your envelopes is a cost effective way to make them look both beautiful and expensive. Hope you enjoyed this little how-to. Have a happy Monday!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Just Three Colors - Red and Yellow and Blue...

Printed on heavy medium-weight 80lb card stock,
note cards measure approx 3.75" x 5"
Can you guess what I named it? That's right, its called "A Horse of a Different Color". While the horse from the movie was shown in four different colors (white, yellow, red and blue) I took a few creative liberties with mine; choosing just three colors and a bit more funky at that - marigold, scarlet and turquoise. A set includes three of each color with coordinating envelopes.
If you'd like to get your hands on a set or see more photos you can either email me now or wait for my Etsy shop to officially open on Friday, May 15. Ooouu, and don't forget to check back here for more sneak peaks to come.