Monday, November 16, 2009
In The Works and On The Table...

Friday, November 13, 2009
A Funky Kind of Love

I Have An Idea!

So, I'd like to give it a try here today and see how it goes. For my regular readers out there I'd love to hear your take on which style of posting you prefer. I'm thinking that with the several mini posts I'd be able to share more throughout the week instead of just Monday, Wednesday, Friday. There are so many fun finds I stumble across every day, but if I don't have a lot to say about it it doesn't get shared. So, I think I'd like to change that - at least for a few days a week.
Don't Forget

{Don't Forget Wire Ring by Whimsy Wire and Wool}
p.s. - isn't that a great shop name?! I just love it.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I Want Homemade Goodies
So this season I have vowed to celebrate a homemade Christmas without having to make a thing. And while, yes, I will be hand printing a few gifts here and there mostly I will be seeking out items made by others. This year Etsy is going to be my shinning beacon; guiding me to the handmade goodies. With so many talented and independent artisans and crafters to choose from the most difficult obstacle I fear I'll have to face is convincing myself to not buy everything! And today I'm diving deeper into my hunt with some homemade sweet treats that would make great hostess gifts or stocking stuffers for the holidays.

I Want Candy
Despite getting up an hour earlier, I feel rejuvenated and energetic and I believe its because I woke up singing this song. This song put such a smile on my face and is so rooted in my mind right now that I'm going to whip up a whole new I Want Wednesday post for later this afternoon because of it. Although, it could just be because I'm a sucker for sweets! Anyhow, enjoy your 80's flashback and the rest of your morning :) I'll see you later today with some yummy finds.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Waiting Is The Hardest Part...
Okay, okay I know I already talked about this film back over the summer, but its just so hard to wait for it to come out! Never in my life have I been more excited to see a film than I am to see this one. I have literally watched the trailer countless, countless times and I had to share it today for this morning's movie. I am not your typical Tim Burton fan. I mean, I didn't even bother to see Sweeney Todd despite the fact that I'm fond of the original play. But, this movie of Alice in Wonderland is based on one of the greatest books of all time - one of the truest, purest forms of story telling that I have ever read. It's a story for kids and adults alike. It's a tale that was meant to awaken a resting imagination and its one story, that I have always found, makes the colors of our world seem brighter.
While there have been several movie versions of the book made this trailer seems to nail it just right and I have high hopes for Tim Burton's interpretation. I do hope that many of you will find some time to carve out and read the book first (psst, or just borrow it from the library for free). Trust me its worth missing a few nights of Grey's Anatomy for. I for one plan on giving it another read before I see the movie in March - oh, March! Are you really that far away?
Friday, November 6, 2009
In the Works...
Feminine Frills
Lately, I've been drawn to all things ladylike especially those that are a bit tousled. From bows on bracelets to ruffles in home decor if its frilly and feminine I'm all over it! Here are a few images from my inspiration folder:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Emergency Broadcast

Okay, okay I'm off to take my aching bones back to bed and on Friday I'll be sharing some sneak peaks of a few new projects in the works, aching bones or not!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sailor's Delight

{Barn Owl print by Lucy Grossmith}