These cute little bunnies were the big winners for the next set of baby shower invitations I'll be making. The mom-to-be loves bunnies as much as I love owls - A LOT. So when her friend showed her this little water colored pair she was smitten. Don't they look like little stuffed animals? I just wanna give 'em a squeeze!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
I've been a crafter, a creator, a lover of art more than half my life. I love taking a group of materials and transforming them into something else. Scissors, paper, glue - it's my kind of chemistry set. But by bringing my business into the online world I've had to learn how to manipulate a new set of tools. Scissors, paper, and glue don't quite cut it when you're trying to figure out HTML codes or get your digital camera, which saves data on an actual floppy disk (I know I know its time to upgrade), to accurately show the color, weight and texture of your paper choice. Plus, I'm used to face to face interactions with people; online networking seems so odd. It's completely new to me. The fact is, trying to portray yourself and your aesthetic online is a tricky feat - at least it seems so to me.
Still, I will admit that in the third grade writing in cursive seemed daunting at the time but it didn't take long to master that skill. I mean look at me now, I've even taken to learning calligraphy. So, maybe its just a matter of time like breaking in a new pair of shoes - a little rough at first but soon to be a favorite pair.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
What's in a Name?

Hello all. My name is Kate and I'm the founder of Birdcage Cards. My Grandma Frieda, who has since past some years ago, always keep small birds in her apartment. In the warm weather she would take them out to her front porch so they could get some fresh air and converse with her potted tomato plants. The ones I remember most were 2 small birds with yellow and greenish feathers. In comparison to my Grandma's apartment they lived in a rather large birdcage. Now, while I loved to listen and talk with them as a young girl, to this day, I would never dare to keep one in a cage myself. Still, I do suppose that in some way we all live in our own birdcage interacting mainly with members of our flock - except - on occasion when we get out to the front porch.
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