Anyhow, here's a little tribute to cozy rainy days; may they be few and far in between from now on.

{clockwise from far left: We all know you can't get a rainbow without some rain. Which is why I thought this picture of a rainbow on a post-it note was so cute. Love this swirly cloud print from MichelleDigital on Etsy. Don't ask me why these gorgeous lace collar necklaces remind me of upside down clouds. They just do. How could anyone not fall in love with this fun Tempest in a Teacup print; I can picture it hanging in my home already. An innate fan of quirky jewelry its no surprise this whimsical pair of cloud and raindrop earrings caught my eye - fun fun! Silk screened cloud tights. Come on, what's not to love?! I've had a crush on the fun prints from PataPri for a while now and this rain hand towel was too cute not to include in this little ode to rain. And lastly, an adorable cloud mobile from leptitpapillon.}